How To Calculate Roll ID

Tube Expanding is the process of reducing a tube wall by compressing the outer diameter (OD) of the tube against a fixed container, such as rolling into tube sheets, drums, ferrules, or flanges. To assure a proper tube joint, the tube wall must be reduced by a predetermined percentage. The following chart can be used to calculate proper wall reduction.

Tube Test Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
A Tube Sheet Hole Size (ID) 0.757
B Tube Outside Diameter (OD) 0.750
C Clearance (A – B) 0.007
D Tube ID 0.620
E Tube ID When Metal-To-Metal Contact Is Reached (D + C) 0.627
F Tube ID After Rolling 0.636
G Wall Reduction (F – E) 0.009

This chart shows a typical 3/4” – 16 gauge tube. Before rolling this tube you would find the proper rolling dimension as shown.

Tube Expanding

Before expanding tubes you need to find the proper expansion dimensions:

1. Determine the tube sheet hole ID.

2. Determine the tube outside diameter (OD).

3. Subtract the tube OD from the tube hole ID.

4. Using a tube hole gauge, determine the ID of the tube before rolling.

5. Add the dimension found in “D” to the clearance “C” between the tube OD and the tube hole to determine the tube’s ID at metal-to-metal contact.

6. Roll the tube to what you estimate to be a good tube joint (by feel or an estimated torque setting) and check the ID of the tube with a tube gauge. Take caution not to over roll as it can cause damage.

7. Subtract “F” from the rolled diameter to determine the actual amount of expansion (tube wall reduction) on the inside diameter of your tube.

8. This can be converted to a % wall reduction by dividing the actual wall thickness (“B – “D”) into the amount of roll as shown in “G”.

Once metal to metal contact occurs (“E”) any additional increase of the inside diameter of the tube will result in actual wall reduction. Since the amount of wall reduction greatly determines the quality of the tube joint, you should know what percent of wall reduction is optimal for the application.

This technique is an excellent way to set torque rolling devices. Begin with the first sample tube and roll, measure rolled ID, calculate wall reduction, and determine if more or less wall reduction is required. Adjust torque as needed; roll the next tube, etc until proper torque is set. It is better to error on the side of under rolling. Once torque is set these tubes can then be re-rolled to achieve proper tube wall reduction.

For More Information

Tube Leaks
Materials, Tube Leaks, & Pre-Expansion Steps
Watertube Boilers
Expanding Water Tube Boilers
Firetube Boiler
Expanding Fire Tube Boilers
Heat Exch Tubes
Expanding Heat Exchangers & Condensers
Rolling Motors
Rolling Motors & Torque Control
Assisted Rolling
Assisted Tube Rolling Systems